the scans for nrg albums are linked below, all credits to @taxicabmessiah on twitter. please do not edit, remove or crop out their waternark.. they spend alot of time scanning and editing the photos.
- NRG 'new radiancy group' 1집
- there arent any current scans for the second album!
- NRG 'seasons greetings' album 2.5집
- NRG 'NRG 003' album 3집 (cassette)
- NRG 'sorrow' album 4집
- NRG 'hit song' album 5집
- NRG 'NR6G' album 6집
- NRG 'one of five' album 7집
- HAMOHAMO 'ppappillon' album 1집
- NRG '1st concert' scans (only parts of it)